Notice to investors


Information disclosed on the website is only for informational purposes and listed with the intent to analyze possible interest of qualified investors. was not established with the purpose to provide complex investment advisory and does not substitute the investment fund statute. only provides short summary of the intended investment structure. All provided information and parameters are entirely indicative.

Information on the website does not substitute for a professional financial advisory focused on the relevant financial instruments and does not substitute for thorough extensive risk enlightenment. The information provided on does not represent an offer or invitation to conclude any transactions. website is only intended for informative purposes and could not be considered as an investment advisory tool. The return on the investment to APS CREDIT FUND (or the yield from this investment) or its subfunds is not guaranteed or securitized. The acquisition of shares issued by the APS CREDIT FUND to its subfunds is connected with the risk of their value fluctuation and the return of the initial investment is not guaranteed.

For more detailed information about the APS CREDIT FUND, please contact us via Misprints reserved. The taxation depends on the actual status of the particular investor and is subject to relevant legislation.